Unlock the Mysteries Within:

The Mythical Botanical Oracle Cards

A mystical journey that merges the realms of mythological creatures and the magic of plants and herbs.

Dive deep into your subconscious and explore the magic of intuition.

Unlock the enchanting secrets of the universe with our Mythical Botanical Oracle Deck. This exceptional deck of oracle cards marries the timeless wisdom of mythical creatures with the enchanting power of plants and herbs, offering you a profound path to self-discovery and guidance.

Immerse yourself in the mystical art that graces each card, where the magic of nature and mythology come to life in breathtaking detail. With 52 mythical creatures and 52 plants, this deck provides a balanced perspective on life's complexities, embracing both the positive and negative aspects of each pairing.

Whether you're seeking answers to life's questions, a deeper spiritual connection, or simply a touch of enchantment in your daily life, the Mythical Botanical Oracle Deck is your gateway to healing, growth, and profound insight.

Order now and embark on a transformative journey where ancient wisdom meets the wonders of nature.

Meet the Creator

Katie Miller

I have been reading tarot and oracle cards since I was a teenager. Over the years, however, my cards were put aside.

During my personal journey of self acceptance and healing, I felt the nudge it was time to create my own deck.

When I shared with a few of my clients, I was surprised to hear they were interested in purchasing a deck once completed.

This fueled my desire to not only get the deck into my hands, but those of my clients.


Is the Mythical Botanical physical deck available yet?

At this moment, a virtual copy of the deck is available in the app Deckible. I have added the QR code at the bottom of this page.

I am currently working with a printer to sell physical decks. The ones showing in my photo above shows the first prototype deck. And, unfortunately, the printing was off. Once the design and printing issue has been resolved, the physical decks will be available for purchase.

Is there a waitlist for the physical decks?

Sort of. Although there is not an actual waitlist at this time, if you click the "I want a physical deck" button below to request an email when the deck will be available.

How much will the physical deck be?

Needless to say, the cost for the physical decks is pending. I spent about $25 plus shipping for my prototype. There is a discount when ordered in bulk, which is why I am offering a notification sign up page. For anyone who requests to be notified when the deck is available, and purchases a deck during the prelaunch, I will include a surprise when I mail your deck. 💕

Click Image to Visit Deckible

© Take Another Step Towards Your Vision, LLC 2024